Thursday, May 5, 2011

The first day of the rest of my life

I have long avoided blogging because as I said above I really don't think my life is THAT interesting... but with new and exciting things on the horizon (and a class requirement) I find myself taking on the challenge...

I'm preparing for 3 weeks of international travel... as well as a quick domestic hop to the left coast this weekend (Happy Birthday Grandpa! Happy Mothers Day Grandma!)... then off to Brazil (Salvador de Bahia, Brazilia, Rio de Janiero and Sao Paulo) for the rest of May... From there to the Dominican Republic for a week of baseball studies (!!!!!) at several MLB academies in Boca Chica - operations, player development, and ballgames every day... Not bad for a state school kid!

Electives sure are different from when I was an undergrad... And don't even get me started on how much research is available on this internet thing as opposed to the library... although I do miss card catalogs...

When I took on the challenge of an MBA, I knew it would give me exposure to so many things... I had not a clue that I would learn so much that was not "classroom instruction"... Hope it's as interesting for you as it is for me!


Unknown said...

I wanted to be the first comment on the first day of the rest of your life....I'm proud of you!

Unknown said...

I'm also very proud of you and the wonderful things you are embarking on!

Anonymous said...

I am going to follow you every step f the way, 90% of my education has been research on the internet. so I know what your talking about, I am forever proud of you! Always.

Unknown said...

Cool site, I really love the idea of you traveling for baseball. That's very interesting!!

Carrie said...

Still wondering if there's room in your suitcase for me....??

Safe travels, my friend!

Jim said...

If you find a switch hitting catcher please call the RedSox front office. Safe travels!!!

Anonymous said...

Not a thing you do surprises me! You have always sought out serious challenges (Intellectual and personal)...and persevered until each was met with more than a modicum of success.

I admire your courage and curiosity...and the way you happily step into the swift moving river of your life...sometimes wearing six inch heels!!!

You make me proud to have such a daughter.
You can cook for me anytime...and if you can fit a lovely Brazilian man of a certain age in your "bring-home-to-momma-bag", I might actually give up being a cloistered nun! (Amen)

Anonymous said...

I almost forgot: You are genetically predisposed to wanderlust. Both sets of grandparents, etc did a lot of "Earth Surfing" in their, too!

You packed your first suitcase at the age of 2-1/2 and toddled happily off to visit Grandma...with nary a backward glance, I might add!

Love, Momma Mia

Unknown said...

I'm proud of the people who are proud of you. You're right, it's not that interesting. You know I'm kidding. Enjoy your studies and travels. I miss you looking at the back of my head throughout the day. You're one of the few people I felt safe doing that in our past life together. That will get readers wondering.